Alvito Raidhy Trinanda

Alvito Raidhy Trinanda

Electrical Engineering Undergraduate


Alvito Raidhy is an aspiring full-stack developer, currently studying Electrical Engineering at Widyatama University, Indonesia. His passion lies in studying web development and specializes on the back-end development part. His past projects can be found in GitHub. Other interests include Internet of Things (IoT), embedded systems, and machine learning.

  • SPA/PWA/Traditional Web Applications
  • Internet of Things
  • Embedded Systems
  • Machine Learning
  • Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, 2021 - 2025

    Widyatama University

  • Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree, 2020




3 years (Flask, Sanic, SQLAlchemy)


3 years (Express.js, Sequelize)





Full-Stack Developer
Feb 2018 – Jul 2018 Indonesia

Responsibilities include:

  • Designed and developed the database structure of the platform, followed the practices in the corresponding industry.
  • Researched and implemented features to the platform while ensured compliance with the standards in technology and data handling.
  • Created the basic front-end for the interactions with the API to be developed further by the team.
  • Tested the functionalities programmatically and scenario-based.
  • Maintained the project documentation and demo server.


Cloud Practitioner Essentials (Belajar Dasar AWS Cloud)

From this course I learned the knowledge required for using the Amazon Web Services (AWS) effectively, for example:

  • Cloud computation services and plans (EC2, ECS, Elastic Beanstalk, and more)
  • Database and storage options (DynamoDB, Aurora, S3, EFS, and more)
  • Network and security practices (access control using roles, groups, endpoints, and more)
  • Pricings and calculations
See certificate
Responsive Web Design

A project-oriented certification with HTML and CSS courses, representing approximately 300 hours of coursework (according to the website). The knowledge I learned includes common HTML elements, HTML5 semantics, metadata, and responsive design using CSS Grid and Flexbox.

As the requirements for the certification, I have made the following projects:

See certificate
